If you are signing the out of work list, it must be done in person at the Hall. 

**If you are working in another jurisdiction (not your home Local), call your home Local to verify that you are in ERTS!

Latest Available Jobs

The following information is a courtesy and should be verified by calling the Job Hotline                   at 925-228-2302 between 6 pm – 7am prior to the 8am dispatch.

The 20 Hour High Hazard Training can be scheduled by calling the OSCA Office at (925) 335-5000.   If you are an IBEW 302 Member, call (925) 228-2302 to schedule.

If you are looking to take a call & you are not an IBEW member, please contact Julian Vinatieri by email @ julianv@ibewlu302.com. Your first step will be the email and then Julian will contact you. 

Short Call Starts at Book 1 # 4 Tracy Corsen, 3/24/2025 - The Last call went to #68 on Book 1
Re-Sign is the 10th through the 16th of the month. These Are The Call(s) for Tuesday March 23rd, 2025 Check Recorder and Website after 5pm!!
Schultz Rodeo P-66 (Air Liquide)3JIWLONG4/10's Monday-Thursday 6am-4:30pm NO3/31/2025AIR LIQUIDE RODEO SMR, AIR LIQUIDE WORK PERMITTING PROCESS, 20HR Hi Haz. Training, TWIC, RSO, Clean Shaven, Safety Toe Boots w/ notched heel, Drug Test/Back Ground Check, CA. State license w/refinery Exp. w/480v medium voltage, cable tray installation.must be able to climb scaffolding and navagate tight spaces.Electrical maintenance experience in industrial facility, stand alone electrical troubleshooting, motor controls experience. You will on board tomorrow after dispatch, once all reqirements have been met you will report Monday the 31st to the refinery to start work.

Re-Sign Forms

Online/E-Mail Re-Sign Form – Complete during Re-Sign (10th-16th) ONLY 

For your convenience we have developed an online re-sign form that you can fill out (only during re-sign which is the 10th-16th) every month. Fill out the form below completely and hit the submit button. You will receive an email confirming your submission and one with the information you submitted. If you are unable to complete the form online please click the “Download Fax/Mail in Re-Sign Form” button below.

Re-Sign Form


NOTE: If you have been on the books for one year, you will have to re-sign in person on or before your twelfth month.